Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color Dark Brown #57
Before Application: *Complete the preliminary skin test 48 hours before each application. *Wear plastic or rubber gloves. *Cover shoulders with a towel or cape. *Be sure hair is clean and free of styling product buildup. To prevent staining, apply cold cream around your ears, hairline and the nape of your neck. Preparation: *Pour Bigen Powder into a non-metallic bowl or cup. Add room-temperature tap water (DO NOT use hot or boiling water) in the proportion specified. *1 Bottle Bigen Powder = 5 Bigen Measuring Cup *1/2 Bottle Bigen Powder = 2 1/2 Bigen Measuring Cup *1/4 Bottle Bigen Powder = 1 Bigen Measuring Cup *Mix well with a brush to make a homogeneous paste. Application: *Quickly apply the mixture on dry hair. (If you are partially gray haired, start application where the hair is most gray). *Comb through the hair to ensure every hair strand is thoroughly covered with mixture. Timing: *Wait for 20 to 30 minutes. (Check color development several times by wiping a strand of the hair with a cotton ball or paper tissue to adjust your developing time. Once desired color is obtained, proceed to rinse your hair).Rinse: *Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water until water runs clear and shampoo well.